viernes, septiembre 26, 2014

Congreso “Encuentros polémicos”


Residencia de Estudiantes (CSIC)
Del 29 de septiembre al 1 de octubre


Mercedes García-Arenal
Gerard A. Wiegers [University of Amsterdam]


LUNES, 29 de septiembre

9:00 h. Apertura, Mercedes García-Arenal [CORPI, ILC-CSIC] y Gerard A. Wiegers [University of Amsterdam]

9:30 h. Panel 1
Preside: Maribel Fierro [ILC-CSIC]

·Performance and the Public Sphere: New Approaches to Polemical Disputations, Alex Novikoff [Fordham University, Nueva York]
·Creating Identities: Ramón Martí's Pugio Fidei and Christian-Jewish Polemic, Harvey J. Hames [The Center for the Study of Conversion and Inter-Religious Encounters, Ben Gurion University]
·Ramón Martí and Tathlith al-wahdaniyah: New Evidence in Arabic for Dominican Preaching to Muslims in the 13th Century?, Tom Burman [University of Tennessee, Knoxville]

11: 30 h. PAUSA-CAFÉ

12:00 h. Panel 2
Preside Esperanza Alfonso [ILC-CSIC]

·Jewish Anti-Christian Polemics in Light of Mass Conversion to Christianity, Daniel Lasker [Ben Gurion University of the Negev]
·The Rabbi and the Mancebo: Locating Affinities in Late Medieval Spain, Eleazar Gutwirth [Tel-Aviv University]
·The Dream of Christian Unity: Alonso de Cartagena's Defensorium Unitatis Christianae, Mª Laura Giordano [Universitat Abat Oliba-CEU]

14: 00 h. COMIDA

15:00 h. Panel 3
Preside: Fernando Rodríguez Mediano [CORPI, ILC-CSIC]

·Apologetics and Polemics in the Original Arabic texts of the Lead Books of the Sacromonte (Granada) and Polemical Debates about their Interpretation, Sjoerd van Koningsveld [Leiden University] y Gerard A. Wiegers [University of Amsterdam]

16:00 h. PAUSA-CAFÉ

·Poetics & Polemics. Ibrahim Taybili's Polemical Treatise in Verse, Teresa Soto [CORPI, ILC-CSIC]
·The Brighter Side of Medieval Christian-Jewish Polemical Encounters: Transfer of Medical Knowledge in the Midi (12th-14th Centuries), Gad Freudenthal [Université PARIS 7-CNRS]

MARTES, 30 de septiembre

9:00 h. Panel 4
Preside: Camilla Adang [Tel-Aviv University]

·The Scrutinium Scripturarum: Between a Converso-Jewish to a Converso-Christian Dialogue, Yosi Yisraeli [The Center for the Study of Conversion]
·Problems and Methods in Reconstructing the Intellectual Biographies of Converts: The Cases of Nicolas Donin and Pablo Cristiani, Piero Capelli [Università Ca' Foscari, Venecia; Johns Hopkins University Baltimore]
·Ne de fide presumant disputare: Legal Regulations of Inter-Religious Debate and Disputation in the Middle Ages, John Tolan [Université de Nantes]
·Prisons and Polemics: Captivity and Inter-Religious Encounter, Ryan Szpiech [University of Michigan]

11:30 h. PAUSA-CAFÉ

12:00 h. Panel 5
Preside: Gerard A. Wiegers [University of Amsterdam]

·Better Muslim or Jew? The Controversy around Conversion across Minorities in 15th Century Castile, Ana Echevarría Arsuaga [Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)]
·Identification of a Version of an Arab Pentateuch used by the Author of Kitab Ta'yid al-milla, Samir Kaddouri [Rabat]
·Mudéjar Polemics against the Jews: Ta'yid al-milla and the Christian Anti-Jewish Discourse, Mónica Colominas Aparicio [University of Amsterdam]
·The Mechanics of Persuassion: Martín de Figuerola's Confutación del Alcorán (1519), Mercedes García-Arenal [CORPI, ILC-CSIC]

14:00 h. COMIDA

15:00h. Panel 6
Preside: José Martínez Gázquez [Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]

·Some Notes on the Critical Edition of the Tractatus Zelus Christi contra Iudaeos, Sarracenos et Infideles by Pedro de la Cavallería (15th Century), Núria Gómez Llauger [Universitat Abat Oliba-CEU; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]
·The Fortress of Faith: From the Specific Argument to the Global Controversy against Christ Enemies in Alfonso de Espina's Fortalitium Fidei, Raúl Platas Romero [Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]

16:00 h. PAUSA-CAFÉ

·After 1492, Hispanic Controversial Production: The So-Called Moorish Catechisms, Cándida Ferrero Hernández [Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]
·Latin Qur'anic Quotations In Controversial Literature: Between Translation, Tradition and Fiction, Antoni Biosca i Bas [Universidad de Alicante] y Óscar de la Cruz Palma [Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]

18:00 h. Visita privada a la Residencia de Estudiantes.

MIÉRCOLES, 1 de octubre

9:00 h. Panel 7
Preside: Mercedes García-Arenal [CORPI, ILC-CSIC]

·The Travels of the Polemical Gentile, from Ramón Llull to Matteo Ricci: A Counterpoint, Joan-Pau Rubiés [ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra]
·Not Hybridity but Counter-Cultural Syncretism: Portuguese New Christian Judaizers Confronting Christianity (and Islam) (Bragança, 16th Century), Claude B. Stuczynski [Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan]
·Apology in Notes - Venues for Encounters. Trajectory of Glossing Practices from Robert of Ketton's Translation of the Qur'an to that of Egidio da Viterbo, Katarzyna K. Starczewska [CORPI, ILC-CSIC]
·Between Polemics and Accommodation. Juan de Almarza S. J. and the Catecismo de Moros (17th Century), Emanuele Colombo [DePaul University, Chicago]

11:30 h. PAUSA-CAFÉ

12:00 h. Panel 8
Preside: Cynthia Robinson [Cornell University]

·Forgotten Witnesses: The Illustrations of MS Escorial, I.I.3 and the Querelle over the Biblias Romanceadas, Rosa Rodríguez Porto [Universidad de Santiago de Compostela]
·Polemical Encounters: Visual Policies of the Dominicans, Jesuits and Mercedarians for the Evangelization of the Moriscos in Valencia, Borja Franco Llopis [Universidad de Valencia]
·Hermanos de leche: Carnal Blood, Spiritual Milk and the Politics of the Immaculate Conception in Spain ca. 1600, Felipe Pereda [Johns Hopkins University]

14:00 h. COMIDA

Lugar de celebración
Residencia de Estudiantes (CSIC)
C/ Pinar, 21
28006 - Madrid
Tlf.: +34 91 563 64 11

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